If you landed on this page you are a seeker, yearning to get more out of life. You have higher aspirations and want to expand beyond the boundaries of lifetime conditioning.

You are here because you are ready to break through the wall of limiting beliefs that have kept you imprisoned for too long. You outgrew your shell of false comfort and are ready to spread your wings and soar.

Are you tired of:

  • carrying the burden of your past and not moving ahead in life
  • having low energy, sleepless nights, being stressed out and overworked
  • pleasing everyone around you, but not taking care of yourself
  • having a job that drains your energy and is out of sync with your core values and talents
  • feeling depressed about wasting your life and not actualizing your dreams and full potential
  • not being heard, seen, valued, recognized and appreciated for who you are
  • feeling broken and lonely after divorce

You got divorced recently or some time ago and pain is digging still too deep. Maybe divorce has left you with a deep fear that something is missing in you, and you don’t have what it takes to have a rich fulfilling life. You have many talents hidden within you and gifts to be shared in the world, waiting to be unleashed. You want to avoid the same mistakes that led you to unhappiness in your failed marriage.

If you recognize yourself in this (or in some of it), I have good news for you. There is a solution for turning your life around. Learn More.

Let me ask you. How would it feel to:

  • free yourself from the pain of your past, have your life in your own hands and live every moment to its fullest
  • have radiant health, vitality and plenty of energy to do what you love
  • wake up every morning energized and eager to step into each day inspired with new creative ideas
  • built successful career that is fueling your growth and you are passionate about
  • have fulfilling relationship with yourself and others
  • sharing life with someone you love deeply and grow with
  • live successful vibrant life of contribution, growth, joy and passion

This is not a utopia, but attainable reality. It is your birthright to have life you have always yearned for and to attain your highest human potential.

You are in the right place and I can help you achieve what you long and thrive for.

Welcome! I am Livia Suver, Self empowerment and Relationship Coach.

Why should you listen to me? Well, I went through a lot and acquired valuable gems of wisdom and experience along the way. I learned hard way through trials and errors, ups and downs and many turbulence’s over the years. Through my own intense life lessons, four decades of training in spiritual practices and coaching over the past 10 years, I developed an acute sense of perception and keen insight into mechanics of life and human conditioning. I was able to turn my life around and create a new reality for myself. It became clear to me that I wanted to share my gifts in service to others.

I use a unique style that blends highly effective coaching tools with a spiritual approach to life and relationships. This integrative approach facilitates a radical change and transformation in peoples lives.

As a coach I am extensively trained and certified through the most recognized coaching schools:
RMT – Institute of Strategic Intervention by Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha and Magali Peysha
Coaching Institute of Activation Method Coaching model founded by Magali Peysha and Mark Peysha
I am also certified as a Law of Attraction Coach by QSCA.
You can read about my personal story in my BIO.

I would be honored to supporting you on your self-empowerment journey.

The primary coaching services I provide are for conscious professional women who just got divorced (or a little while ago) to rebuild their lives and spirit after the break up.

I am passionate about helping these women move past divorce, own their power and redesign their life on their own terms, so they can be successful and happy from the inside out.

I also love to help couples to restore their relationship and save their marriage. Experiencing unhappy marriage and dysfunctional family myself directly, armed with extensive training in relationship coaching, equipped me with a deep insight and understanding of what works and what doesn’t. I learned skills and powerful strategic processes how to reverse even most challenging relationship situations.

So if you fit into that category, then I would also love to talk to you. Maybe I can step in to help you through turbulence’s you are going through right now in your relationship and family.

Work With Me




Livia’s coaching comes straight from her heart, allowing for her clients to truly tap into their own inner wisdom to find answers. Livia’s approach to coaching is one where the client can feel truly at ease in being who they are. This is where all the magic happens. Her intuitive approach with coaching allows for her to guide the client toward discovering the issues that may be causing them to feel limited or blocked in any way so they can be released and move toward their inner truth. I would highly recommend Livia to anyone who is looking to connect to their own inner wisdom.

Julie Kleinhans

Certified Law of Attraction Coach Teacher, Mentor, Radio Show Host

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